Information about training at the Katsujinken dojo. Continue reading →
Tenshin Shôden Katori Shintô Ryū is the oldest extant Japanese martial art. The techniques are traditionally trained in the form of kata-bujutsu.
In the Katsujinken-dojo we train: Kenjutsu (swordfighting), Iaijutsu (sword drawing), Bôjutsu (staff), Naginatajutsu (glaive), Ryôtô (two swords), Kodachi (short sword) en Yari (spear).
Information about training at the Katsujinken dojo.
Continue reading →Principles In a number of dojos in the Netherlands the oldest existing martial art of Japan, Katori Shinto Ryu, is practiced according to the principles taught by Yoshio Sugino (1904-1998), […]
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