Practical information

Written by Katsujinken December 8th, 2019


Information about training at the Katsujinken dojo.

Training times

Wednesday: 19:30 – 21:00
Sunday: 14:00 – 16:00

Want to come and have a look? Send us an email first to make sure training hasn’t been canceled that day!


Sporthallen Zuid
Burgerweeshuispad 54
1076 EP Amsterdam


Information: Patricia Piolon, email:
Teacher: Stephen Snelders, menkyo mokuroku (5e dan)


Trial lessons are not possible, but you are welcome to come and have a look at one of our training sessions to see if you like it.


Monthly membership fee: €30

Please note that this is a membership fee – whether you come and train three times a week or turn up once every three months, you always pay €30 a month.

Account info (please make this an automatic transfer!)
IBAN NL75BUNQ2205615076
Vereniging Katsujinken, Amsterdam
Note: please add your membership code as a description.

Basic principles

In the Katsujinken dojo we train according to the principles Sugino Sensei laid down in his manual Budo Kyo Han during the second world war, complemented with his oral instructions and those of his assistants.

Contrary to the exclusivity principle of some kobudo schools, members are on principle free to train in other styles and schools. The goal of the Katsujinken dojo is to help its members study the principles and techniques of sword fighting and improve themselves.

This point of view is shared by a number of other dojos – see our statement.

Cancelling your membership

You are a member and bound to pay the monthly membership fee until you officially cancel your membership with us. It is important that you notify us of your decision to cancel your membership.

Frequently asked questions

– Do you have a dress code?

For the first few lessons, a t-shirt and sweatpants will do just fine. After that, a judo, aikido or karate uniform is preferable. (No hakama or black belt – these are for advanced students only).

– Will I learn to fight with all weapons from the get go?

No, you’ll be starting with the sword. When you have shown sufficient skill with the sword, you’ll advance to other weapons.

– Will I need my own bokken (wooden sword)?

Yes. You can use one of ours for your first few lessons, but after that you’ll want your own sword.

– Will I get to spar/do matches?

No. In the Katori Shinto Ryu, techniques are taught through kata – that means choreographed forms. There are no matches and we do not spar. If competition is important to you, we advise you to try kendo.

Posted in Dojo


Information about training at the Katsujinken dojo.

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